Newsy is for domainers, domain name professionals and domain name investors, just like you.

By K.H - Domain expert - 2024-10-22 - 10-minute read
Are you a domainer? Someone who manages a large number of domain names for either yourself or for someone else? Are you a domain broker who manages domain names for other professionals and deals in exchanges of many domain names? Are you a domain name investor who buys domain names for its potential and actively engage in selling these domains?
In this article, I'd like to explain why Newsy is becoming the go-to solution for many domain name professionals in 2024 and how it can boost your sales and reputation.

Current state for domain professionals

If you are managing a portfolio of more than 100 domain names - whether for yourself or for someone else - it quickly becomes evident that you need to manage them better. For every domain name, you will need to set up the DNS, some type of redirection, for-sale page, parking page if you plan to monetize and thesedays, enable HTTPS to your domain.
These are just the setup process. For all these domains, you have to engage with every sales leads, enquiries, worry about renewals and SSL expiry.
But the biggest question is while you are holding onto these 100 or more domains, what are these domains doing? If we go by the Pareto Principle, most likely a very small set of domain names are actually generating traffic or leads or revenue, while others are being idle. For any domain professionals, it would be silly to sit on these domain names without making a good use of them.

Enter Newsy

The traditional way of domain name parking and domain name monetization is dead. It's more difficult and tricky than ever to monetize as the Internet population becomes ad-fatigued and look for valueable, consumable contents rather than looking at boring old parking page.
This is where Newsy differentiates itself from others as a unique, modern solution to the domain name parking and domain name monetization.

So what is Newsy?

In essence, Newsy creates an automated content-based community. Let's say you bought a domain name By the sound of it, you bought it with a hope that one day you will do something related to electric vehicles, Tesla, Elon Musk, battery powered vehicles etc.
Imagine developing every single domain name you have into a site like this. You would like to, but who has time? Newsy lets you do this quickly. Plus, once you set it up, your sites will run themselves. Read on for more details on how this works!
With Newsy, you can enter your domain name, a set of specific keywords related to your domain and Newsy will automatically find relevant contents - articles, videos, discussions, questions from all over the web and display them on your domain (or we call it site).
In this shiny new site, you now have a basic content aggregator, which automatically finds relevant contents on a regular basis. But that's just a starting point. Newsy packs in some powerful features to make your site spectacularly useful without you having to invest time. A good first example of this would be that your site is now all of a sudden google-searchable. Newsy includes a sitemap which you can submit to Google (and other search engines). Each content page is optimized for SEO with all the relevant meta tags, over time your site's contents will be included in the search results.
However, there's more. Anyone visiting your site can immediately become members or newsletter subscribers. To become a member, you register an account on your site, and you can leave comments, vote, like and even submit a content. If you are a newsletter subscriber, Newsy sends regular newsletters.
Newsy also integrates with third-party services like Twitter, Discord, Slack, WordPress, Blogspot etc to distribute your site's contents as widely as possible. All of these features together work to increase your site's relevance towards the niche keywords you have selected initially and your domain name starts to gather reputation and SEO ranking as a prominent website for people to visit.
So do yourself and your domains a favour. While up to 70% of the world's domains are parked - and that is absolutely staggering - we don't all have to have domain parking pages looking like the above. Setting up a Newsy site takes as little as 3 clicks and trust me, you will never want to NOT use up your domains every again.


Let's now talk about monetization. With the stream of traffic coming to your Newsy site, you can now use its Ad Manager to embed your own ads to your Newsy site. You heard that correctly. Newsy allows you to add your very own advertising items to your sites and there are many advertising platforms you can use to add your own ad units. Newsy also does not take any cut from those ads.
The ads on Newsy are flexible. You can add any size (square, banner, vertical) or any type (pop-up, full-screen). You can add your own image or links to affiliate sites that you are connected to. And without further a do, here's a quick snapshot of my monthly revenue summary on 4 domain names that I used for Newsy.
The ads on Newsy are flexible. You can add any size (square, banner, vertical) or any type (pop-up, full-screen). You can add your own image or links to affiliate sites that you are connected to.
Newsy is the new and modern way of parking your domains in 2024. Stop using those ugly domain parking pages. Newsy comes with all the features that you need to set up your own content-aggregation site with monetization built in that actually works. Looking for monetizing your domains? Say hello to Newsy.
Let's Get Started!

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